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Electronics in the human body can be of great benefit to those affected by health restrictions (e.g. neuroimplants). The problem is that electrodes (in particular) corrode under current flow and tissue can also be damaged. For this reason, electrodes that function without direct current flow across the interface would be of great value for biomedicine.
The Anammox process reduces oxygen demand, sludge and nitrous oxide emissions. The SmART project uses MinION sequencing to efficiently monitor microbiological communities in wastewater treatment plants on site. The automated workflow from sample preparation to analysis enables rapid action in the event of malfunctions.
The project aims to investigate parasites in aquacultures. The goal is to automate and standardize the entire metabarcoding workflow using NGS, from extraction to data analysis.
The project aims to set up an automated production line for in-vitro diagnostics, validated by the production of the PsorX-Lab disk for the fully automated diagnosis of skin diseases.
Development of a robust and cost-effective microfluidic chip that enables the reliable quantification of genomic and proteomic biomarkers in serially collected liquid biopsies from individuals at high risk for pancreatic cancer.
Das Kild-Projekt entwickelt ein innovatives Ultraschall-Wasserdurchflussmesssystem mit KI-basierter Leckage-Detektion. Dieses kostengünstige Retrofit-System ermöglicht eine einfache Installation und erkennt Leckagen zuverlässig, um Wasserschäden zu minimieren.
Das ULTRA-SAVE-Projekt entwickelt ein innovatives, ultraschallbasiertes Sensorsystem zur Überwachung von Pflanzenzuständen in konventioneller und hydroponischer Landwirtschaft. Durch den Einsatz von KI ermöglicht es präzise und nachhaltige Bewässerung sowie Früherkennung von Pflanzenstress und Krankheiten.
In the VIROTEC project, the team from Hahn-Schickard, Therawis Diagnostics GmbH, Rodinger Kunststoff-Technik GmbH and the institute for immunology of the TU Munich are planning to research a fully automated lateral flow test system for analysing organ-specific virosomes at the point of care.
The aim of the project is to develop an automated sample preparation for the mass spectrometric detection of metabolic biomarkers in patient samples on the basis of centrifugal microfluidics.
As part of the BMBF project AEMlinked, Hahn-Schickard is developing special AEM ionomers to create stable, high-performance membranes for use in AEM water electrolysis.
In the Screentime project, Hahn-Schickard is working on the development of a spectacle frame for children that is equipped with various sensors and should therefore make it possible to determine the actual time spent in front of all types of screens (smartphones, tablets, PCs, TVs, etc.).
In the MINERVA project, a novel sample preparation for the analysis of the immunopeptidome by mass spectrometry is being developed on the basis of microfluidics with innovative, loss-minimising surface coatings. In the future, this should make patient-specific cancer therapies possible.
In 105°scaled, hydrocarbon-based membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) are being developed for both fuel cells and electrolysis to be competitive with established PFAS-based MEAs.
Holistic sepsis diagnostics and management through combined molecular biology and immunology testing on an integrated, automated platform for an improved and personalized therapeutic approach.
Hahn-Schickard coordinates the “Zukunftscluster nanodiag BW” together with the University of Freiburg. As part of the German federal government's "Clusters4Future" initiative, the Hahn-Schickard sites in Freiburg and Villingen-Schwenningen are involved in several scientific and strategic projects.