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Universal extraction platform for Liquid Biopsy samples (LiquidXtractPT)

Within the project LiquidXtractPT, a sustainably adaptable robotic platform for microfluidic cancer diagnosis in bodily fluids like blood is being developed. The prototype will be validated in two clinical pilot studies upon construction.

Liquid biopsy is a revolutionary method for cancer diagnosis. Instead of using tissue samples, tumor markers are extracted from bodily fluids such as blood or urine. However, existing laboratory equipment is limited to single specific applications or markers. LiquidXtract solves this problem through a platform approach, allowing for multiple applications in a single device, benefiting many patients with e.g. breast, prostate, or colon cancer.

In addition to the healthcare sector, further areas of specialization in the country are bundled interdisciplinary for implementation: Robotics, microsystems technology, bio- and nanotechnology, as well as resource efficiency.

Now a prototype is to be built and its applicability in the future field of use is to be demonstrated in two clinical pilot studies. At the end of the project, the technology readiness level is expected to be increased to a point where immediate economic exploitation can be achieved and high-tech workplaces can be created.

LiquidXtract ProtoTyp: Universelle Extraktionsplattform für Liquid-Biopsy-Proben
European Regional Development Fund (EFRE)
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Funding Number
01.01.2023 to 31.12.2024
Cooperation Partner
University of Freiburg, Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) Laboratory for MEMS Applications
Maturity Level
Functional model



  • Liquid Biopsy
  • Robotic centrifugal microfluidics
  • Software Development