Sensitive, specific and precise nucleic acid analysis with the mediator probe technology
The use of label-free DNA probes with fluorogenic universal reporter molecules offers particular advantages in the detection of biomolecules.
The Mediator Probe PCR enables the detection of nucleic acids in singleplex and multiplex format. It currently involves the mediator probe PCR, which represents a continued development of the real-time PCR, as well as the mediator displacement LAMP (loop-mediated isothermal amplification). This simultaneously provides two methods that can be used, depending on the amplification process. The patented mediator probe PCR is particularly suited for very demanding quantitative DNA detections. The strength of the mediator displacement LAMP, registered for a patent, lies in its isothermal character. This causes it to be very fast without requiring any complex processing devices.

Mediator probe technology delivers custom-tailored assays for your application
In recent years, mediator probe technology reached a high technical degree of maturity thanks to continued development and optimization. In cooperation with the University of Freiburg, it was possible to derive clear guidelines for the design of mediator probes and universal reporters. In addition, different software tools and methodologies are available, which enable rapid implementation of powerful mediator probe PCRs and mediator displacement LAMPs.
Rapid development of custom-fit assays through standardizable components
Are you interested in mediator probe technology? Do you have any questions concerning the adaptation of your assays or are you interested in the further development of the technology for your application? Feel free to contact us directly. We are always looking for new project partners and would gladly support you in the development and application of new test systems.