Hydrogen and fuel cells play a crucial role in achieving climate targets. With the aim of recognizing outstanding developments in one of the most promising fields of technology of our time and stimulating further innovation, the Innovation Award for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells will be presented in three categories at hy-fcell. Each award is endowed with 10,000 euros.
"H2-Tech from Baden-Württemberg - completely without eternity chemicals" is the name of the award winners' project in the Startup category. The young scientists at ionysis GmbH are developing membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs), the core components of hydrogen fuel cells and electrolyzers, with the aim of minimizing the use of environmentally harmful fluorine compounds - so-called PFAS or eternity chemicals - without sacrificing performance or cost. In doing so, they are replacing the current standard PFSA/Nafion material with hydrocarbons. Using innovative electrochemistry with a focus on electrochemical converters, ionysis aims to enable sustainable scaling of green hydrogen technologies. The startup was founded in 2022 as a spin-off of the Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V. and the University of Freiburg and currently has 15 employees.
Source: Press release by Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH