"It is a great honour for me and of course I am particularly pleased to receive this high award from the ASAC as an Austrian living and researching abroad," says Mizaikoff, who remains closely connected to his home country through numerous international research projects with Austrian partners. The chemist studied at the Vienna University of Technology, completed his doctorate and habilitation and subsequently held a professorship at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA). Since 2007, he has headed the Institute for Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry at the University of Ulm, and since 2021 also the Hahn-Schickard Institute for Microanalysis Systems at the Ulm site.
Boris Mizaikoff conducts research in the field of infrared spectroscopy and sensor technology. His research focusesa also on the development of biomimetic molecular recognition architectures and integrated photonic systems for the analysis of complex molecular samples. In addition to basic development, his research teams are opening up applications ranging from environmental analysis to medical diagnostics. The scientist from Ulm now has more than 400 scientific publications to his name, many of them in leading international journals in the fields of photonics, chemistry and physics. In addition, 18 patents are in his name.
"Boris Mizaikoff is one of the world's leading experts in the field of infrared-based photonics. He is a much sought-after speaker at international conferences and has received many awards for his research on sensing and photonics. It is a great honour and pleasure for us to award this outstanding scientist with the Fritz Pregl Medal," said Professor Rudolf Krska. The ASAC President, who has a long-standing friendship with Mizaikoff, paid tribute to the award winner and his scientific work with very personal words. "In recognition of his outstanding research in the field of infrared spectroscopy, sensor technology and the development of synthetic receptors," he was presented with the Pregl Medal.
The person who gave the medal its name, Professor Friedrich Michael Raimund Pregl, received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1923 for his pioneering work in the field of microchemical methods, which are closely linked to microanalytical applications. Fritz Pregl is considered the doyen of Austria's analytical scientists. The ASAC endows the Pregl Medal in his honour. The award is given to personalities who have made significant contributions in the field of analytical chemistry, especially in organic trace analysis.
Text: Press and Public Relations, Ulm University