Jahr Name

Water management in anion-exchange membrane water electrolyzers under dry cathode operation

S. Koch, S. K. Kilian, J. L. Disch, L. Metzler, P. A. Heizmann, Y. Han, M. Schulz, M. Breitwieser, S. Vierrath

ICE 2021, 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis 2021, June 20-23, 2022, Golden, Colorado, USA     


High-resolution neutron imaging of carbonate precipitation and water transport in CO2 electrolysis to CO

J. Disch, L. Bohn, S. Koch, M. Schulz, Y. Han, M. Breitwieser, S. Vierrath

Gordons Solar Fuels, May 8-13, 2022, Lucca, Italy    


Alkalische Micro Direkt-Alkoholbrennstoffzellen für die langfristige Energieversorgung von Kleingeräten (Alk2Micro)

M. Bühler (Hahn-Schickard), M. Pilaski (ZBT)


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Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, durch den Einsatz von alkalischen Polymerelektrolytmembranen (engl.: anion exchange membrane, AEM) in Alkohol-Brennstoffzellen die Crossover-Leistungsverluste von protonenleitenden Membranen (engl.: proton exchange membrane), PEM) in diesem Einsatzbereich zu unterbinden. Während in protonenleitenden direkten Alkoholbrennstoffzellen (PEM-DAFC) durch den Protonentransport von der Anode zur Kathode Alkohol mitgeschleppt werden kann, findet in AEM-DAFCs der Ionenausgleich zwischen Anode und Kathode durch Hydroxid-Ionen in Gegenrichtung von Kathode zu Anode statt. Durch die Vermeidung des Mitschleppefekts kann so der Durchtritt des Alkohols durch die Membran reduziert werden. In Alk2Micro soll zunächst eine Membran-Elektroden-Einheit (MEE) entwickelt werden, die das Herzstück der Brennstoffzelle darstellt. Die MEE besteht aus der AEM, einer Katalysatorschicht für die Alkoholoxidation und Sauerstoffreduktion, sowie porösen Kohlenstoffsubstraten. Jede Komponente an sich muss für eine optimale Leistung und Lebensdauer optimiert werden, während die Gesamtkosten im Blick behalten werden müssen. Mehrere MEEs sollen dann in einem Stack zusammengeführt werden. Um die MEEs optimal und langlebig zu betreiben, soll ein Forschungsschwerpunkt hier auf korrosionsbeständige Bipolarplatten bzw. Beschichtungen gelegt werden.


Methods— A Simple Method to Measure In-Plane Electrical Resistance of PEM Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Catalyst Layers

L. Bohn, M. von Holst, E. Cruz Ortiz, M. Breitwieser, S. Vierrath, C. Klose

J. Electrochem. Soc., 169 (5), 054518, doi: 10.1149/1945-7111/ac6e09


Fully Hydrocarbon Membrane Electrode Assemblies for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers: An Engineering Perspective

H. Nguyen, C. Klose, L. Metzler, S. Vierrath, M. Breitwieser

Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 2103559, doi: 10.1002/aenm.202103559


Development and Construction of a Parameterizable Condition Classification System for Electromagnetic Proportional Valves using Neuronal Networks (Nemoh / Neuromorphe Hardware für Anwendungen mit KI)

D. Rossbach, M. Rüb, M. Kuderer, Y. Manoli

MikroSystemTechnik Congress 2021, 8-10 Nov. 2021, Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg, Germany

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In this paper the development of a compact condition classification system for electromagnetic proportional valves is shown. It allows the generation of training data as well as a fast testing and comparison of different trained neuronal networks. By using quantization and pruning, a neuronal network with drastically reduced complexity has been created, so an FPGA implementation was possible. The developed and implemented network shows a very high classification rate and can distinguish 12 different error reasons of the valves. The system requires the measurement of the supply current only, which allows a simple integration of such a false detection circuitry into existing systems. In the future, the system can be modified easily, e.g. to use and test a hardware based AI accelerator instead of the FPGA implementation.


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Entwurf einer CMOS-integrierten, rauscharmen Stromausleseschaltung mit niedriger Eingangskapazität für die medizinische Diagnostik via biologischer Nanoporen

M. Amayreh, S. Elsaegh, N. Butz, M. Kuderer, Y. Manoli

MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2021, 08.11.2021 - 10.11.2021, Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg, Deutschland

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Delta-Kodierung zur Reduzierung der Datenrate in neuronalen Sonden mit In-Situ Delta-Sigma Analog-Digital-Wandler Front-End

D. Wendler, J. Koerber, D. De Dorigo, R. Willaredt, Y. Manoli

MikroSystemTechnik Kongress, 08.-10. November 2021, Ludwigsburg


A 0.00378mm2 Scalable Neural Recording Front-End for Fully Immersible Neural Probes Based on a Two-Step Incremental Delta-Sigma Converter with Extended Counting and Hardware Reuse

D. Wendler, D. De Dorigo, M. Amayreh, A. Bleitner, M. Marx, Y. Manoli

IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 13.-22. Februar 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA


Active Charge Balancer With Adaptive 3.3 V to 38 V Supply Compliance for Neural Stimulators

N. Butz, U. Kalita, Y. Manoli

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 68, issue 10, Electronic ISSN: 1558-0806, DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2021.3101550


Vapor HF Etching Based Surface Micromachining Process for Fabricating a Micromechanical Sterilization Cycle Counter

R. Vora, I. Spies, D. Hoffmann, H. Trautner, C. Blattert, A. Dehé

MikroSystemTechnik Congress 2021, 8-10 Nov. 2021, Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg, Germany

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It is mandatory for manufacturers of reusable medical devices to specify the maximum of allowed sterilization cycles. This work focuses on the fabrication of an autonomous sterilization cycle counter in MEMS technology. Surface microm-achining is applied utilizing vapor HF (vHF) etching and subsequent polymer anti-stiction coating as an efficient tech-nique to remove sacrificial buried oxide layers and to release micro structure without stiction. The vHF etching process has been optimized and reaches etch rates of 900 nm/min for the buried oxide with a uniformity of more than 95 % across a 100 mm wafer. Based on this process a compatible design with perforated structures is implemented. Finally, devices of the sterilization cycle counter are successfully tested by a simulated sterilization cycle temperature test.


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Optimization of a High-g Acceleration Sensor for Crash-test Application

A. Srivastava, J. Rockstroh, A. Dehé

MikroSystemTechnik Congress 2021, 8-10 Nov. 2021, Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg, Germany

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Piezoresistive accelerometers are a popular and widely used method of acceleration sensing due to their simplicity in fabrication, packaging and inherent ruggedness. These devices usually have simpler electronics for example compared to capacitive sensors. There are products available without ASICs as well. [1] This work takes an existing high-g piezoresistive accelerometer as a reference sensor and works on optimizing this design. The work delves into different design and optimization techniques to deliver novel high-performance piezoresistive acceleration sensor prototypes. These techniques exploit the device physics and mechanics to point towards the new designs. The sensor is designed and optimized to have higher bandwidth. The adaptation of SOI wafers instead of currently used epitaxial wafers, results in smaller chip size, enabling more chips/wafer and reducing the sensor cost. Extra emphasis has been laid to maintain high sensitivity, for specified doping of the piezoresistors, while still not compromising much on the resonance frequency. Finite element analysis with ANSYS Workbench offers insights into the device performance and helps in the determination of some key sensor parameters for the new designs. It also helps to establish trends and this provides an idea for the successive models. After several iterations and incorporating different optimization techniques, new models are achieved.


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Development of a hybrid microsystem for acquisition of sterilization cycles

D. Hoffmann, H. Trautner, S. Spieth, S. Herrlich, K. Pagel, A. Dehé

MikroSystemTechnik Congress 2021, 8-10 Nov. 2021, Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg, Germany

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In this paper we present a hybrid microsystem for acquisition and counting of sterilisation cycles. The device includes a micromechanical counter mechanism and a thermal actuator based on a shape memory alloy (SMA). The device is designed to count 100 sterilization cycles. The basic functionality is investigated on a hotplate using a thermal temperature profile with a peak temperature of 135 deg C. In this manner, counting of thermal cycles is demonstrated.


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A Non-Linear Lumped Model for the Electro-Mechanical Coupling in Capacitive MEMS Microphones

S. Anzinger, C. Bretthauer, D. Tumpold, A. Dehé

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 30 (3), 360-368, doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2021.3065129

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This work provides an analytical non-linear model for the capacitive transduction in MEMS transducers with perforated counter-electrodes, especially applicable to capacitive MEMS microphones. Starting from an electrostatic description of a perforated unit cell of the transducer, analytical formulations of the variable capacitance and electrostatic forces are derived, accounting for the deflection profile of a clamped circular plate. A lumped implementation into conventional circuit simulations tools is enabled via behavioral modeling based on hardware description languages, such as Verilog-A. Therefore, the analytical model is approximated via Taylor series expansions, allowing for a stable and non-linear behavioral implementation. The resulting model finally enables both a small- and large-signal analysis of capacitive MEMS microphones, precisely accounting for non-linearities in the capacitive transduction. This allows to simulate the harmonic distortion of the microphone's output signal and to account for electrostatic spring-softening in simulations of its bias voltage dependent sensitivity.


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Development of A Z-Axis Out of Plane MEMS Accelerometer

A. Basavanna, M. Dienger, J. Rockstroh, S. Keller, A. Dehé

2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 25-29 Jan. 2021, Gainesville, USA

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MEMS are minute electro-mechanical systems that are able to sense small changes in the environment and are responsible for a large chunk of the sensor market. MEMS inertial sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers have helped in realizing new products across a multitude of fields. One of the next aspects of MEMS Inertial sensors is the Internet of Things [IOT] and Industry 4.0. Hence, the following work depicts a sensor element design for vibration detection in Out Of Plane [OOP] axis (z-axis) proposed for closed loop control considering a system bandwidth of 20 kHz. The current work highlights the concept of an "anti-phase" design type sensor element developed considering either top or bottom electrodes allowing for the possibility of closed loop control. The translational motion of the sensor element along with the larger mass elements provides higher performance and lower noise. The analysis indicates a sensor element with size 1mm*1mm showcasing a specific open loop sensor sensitivity per area of 1.12 nF/g/m 2 with resonance frequency of 10.5 kHz and can be considered as a viable alternative to see-saw design type.


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Printed low-voltage crossbar-puf for identification

A. Scholz, L. Zimmermann, A. Sikora, M. B. Tahoori, J. Aghassi-Hagmann

2021 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC), pp. 62-66, 08. - 11. August 2021

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Classification of cow behaviour for sensor assisted alpine milk production

T. Peikenkamp, D. Plaia, T. Hehn, D. Gaida, M. Hoenen, A. Ule

72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), p. 387, 30.08. - 03.09.2021, Davos, Schweiz


SESAM sensor technology for milk producers

L. Dale, Z. Vassilev, J. Bieger, K. Droessler, F. J. Auer, M. Erhart, T. Hehn, T. Peikenkamp, M. Klopcic, A. Werner, M. Hoenen

72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), p. 386, 30.08. - 03.09.2021, Davos, Schweiz


Telemetrische Verformungsmessung mit einem CMOS-integrierten Sensorchip

T. Hehn, H. Rietsche

Sensor und Test 2021, 04. - 06. Mai 2021, Online


Joystick mit mehrachsigem Miniaturkraftsensor

T. Hehn

Innovationstag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), 17.06.2021, Online