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LabDisk for oral and respiratory trackt infections and antibiotic resistances (DIAGORAS)

The project aims to develop a point-of-care microbiological diagnostic platform that will provide accurate detection and personalised advice for: (i) a large panel of viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections (RTIs), including their associated antibiotic resistances (ABR), and (ii) oral infections associated with periodontitis and caries.

The project aims to develop a point-of-care microbiological diagnostic platform that will provide accurate detection and personalised advice for: (i) a large panel of viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections (RTIs), including their associated antibiotic resistances (ABR), and (ii) oral infections associated with periodontitis and caries.

Global healthcare systems are struggling with the enormous burden of morbidity/mortality associated with infectious diseases, as well as the rise of antimicrobial resistance. DIAGORAS’ objective is to develop a Point-of-Care (POC) microbiological diagnostic platform for use in general practitioner offices, dentist practices and hospital emergency rooms. The platform will detect respiratory and oral infections, along with antibiotic resistances within 1 hour, thereby reducing: 1) time-to-diagnosis; 2) patient morbidity/mortality; and 3) incorrect antibiotic use. Combined nucleic acid- and protein assays, performed on a sample-to-answer operating disc-shaped platform, and followed by a decision-supporting clinical algorithm are some of DIAGORAS’ innovative features. The major impact of the project will be on: 1) shifting the diagnostic methodology from an empirical or traditional laboratory approach (e.g., bacterial/viral cultures) towards multiplex, accurate and fast molecular-based analysis; and 2) shifting the diagnosis location from centralised laboratories to the point-of-care via a compact, user-friendly system, thereby drastically relieving the burden of the healthcare system.


More information: www.diagoras.eu

01.06.2015 bis 31.05.2019
Hahn-Schickard (Coordinator), Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), University of Zurich, Centre of Dental Medicine, Clinic for Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology (UZH(PPC)), University of Zurich, Centre of Dental Medicine, Section of Oral Microbiology and Immunology (UZH(OMI)), Erasmus University Medical Centre (EMC), ASKION GmbH, magtivo BV, ClinicaGeno Ltd (CGO), BioVendor Laboratorni medicina a.s. (BioVendor), Sparks & Co (SPA), Karolinska Institutet (KI)
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Konstantinos Mitsakakis

+49 761 203 73252 Kontakt per E-Mail


  • Point-of-need-Anwendungen
  • Infektionskrankheiten
  • Vektorregelung
  • One Health
  • Integration von Nukleinsäure- und Protein-Assays