Jahr Name

Open-Eco-Innovation for SMEs with Pan-European Key Enabling Technology Centres

F. Civelek, R. Kulkarni, K-P. Fritz, T. Meyer, C. Troulos, T. Günther, A. Zimmermann

Verlag: MDPI, Journal: Clean technologies, EISSN: 2571-8797, pp. von Seite – bis Seite 422-4399, European Union’s Horizon 2020 – Nr. 777441

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The project “key enabling technologies for clean production” (KET4CP), which is supported by the European Commission, has the aim to connect small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and Technology Centres (TC) for cleaner, greener and more efficient production. Within this context, SMEs and TCs across Europe work together to establish an open-innovation network and to raise awareness in productivity and environmental performance. This article presents how an open European network of TCs opens its innovation process to support SMEs to become cleaner, greener and more efficient. Furthermore, this article shows how the TCs and SMEs become a part of the open-eco-innovation platform in clean production and how successful the open-eco-innovation process of different European countries is. We revealed that a pan-European open innovation process for eco-innovations with TCs for key enabling technologies (KET TCs) and Enterprise Europe Network partners (EEN) is a successful approach for SMEs that want to produce and develop cleaner products. An application example is mentioned, in which TCs from different European countries have contributed to developing a product of a SME for energy harvesting. The SME, together with the TCs, developed a generator that is installed in city-level water supply pipes and so, it is outstanding in its application. This innovative application is also described in this article.

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Coupled simulations for lifetime prediction of board level packages encapsulated by thermoset injection moulding based on the Coffin-Manson relation

R. Kulkarni, M. Soltani, S. Krafft, T. Grözinger, and A. Zimmermann

Elsevier Microelectronics Reliability,  2020

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Reliability Study of Electronic Components on Board-Level Packages Encapsulated by Thermoset Injection Molding

R. Kulkarni, M. Soltani, P. Wappler, T. Guenther, K.-P. Fritz, T. Grözinger, and A. Zimmermann

MDPI Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2020

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An Assessment of Thermoset Injection Molding for Thin-Walled Conformal Encapsulation of Board-Level Electronic Packages

R. Kulkarni, P. Wappler, M. Soltani, M. Haybat, T. Günther, T. Grözinger, and A. Zimmermann

MDPI Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2019, Link to publication


Feasibility of manufacturing packaged electronic systems by thermoset injection molding

R. Kulkarni, D. Hera, M. Soltani, T. Günther, T. Grözinger, and A. Zimmermann

11th Smart Systems Integration Conference, Cork, Ireland, 2017

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Experimental and computational study of array effects on LED thermal management on molded interconnect devices MID

M. Soltani, R. Kulkarni, Y. Liu, M. Barth, T. Groezinger, and A. Zimmermann

13th International Congress Molded Interconnect Devices (MID), Wuerzburg, Germany, 2018

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Development and Validation of a Novel Setup for LEDs Lifetime Estimation on Molded Interconnect Devices

Journal MDPI: Instruments, DOI: 10.3390/instruments2040028, Vol. 2, Nr. 4, p. 28, 2018

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Reliability study and thermal performance of LEDs on molded interconnect devices (MID) and PCB

M. Soltani, M. Freyburger, R. Kulkarni, R. Mohr, T. Groezinger and A. Zimmermann

The Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2869017, Vol. 6, p. 51669–51679, 2018

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A Novel Approach for Lifetime Estimation of Electronic Components mounted on Plastic Substrates by Coupling Injection Molding Simulation to FE-Analysis

M. Soltani, R. Kulkarni, T. Groezinger and A. Zimmermann

International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and the International Thermal Expansion Symposium (ITES), Wilmington, USA, 2019

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A Novel Approach for Reliability Investigation of LEDs on Molded Interconnect Devices Based on FE-Analysis Coupled to Injection Molding Simulation

M. Soltani, R. Kulkarni, T. Scheinost, T. Groezinger and A. Zimmermann

The Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2913786, Vol. 7, p. 56163–56173, 2019



A Novel Approach for Reliability Investigation of LEDs on Molded Interconnect Devices Based on FE-Analysis Coupled to Injection Molding Simulation

M. Soltani, R. Kulkarni ,T. Scheinost, T. Groezinger, A. Zimmermann

IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2913786, Bd. 7, pp. 56163–56173


A Novel Approach for Lifetime Estimation of Electronic Components mounted on Plastic Substrates by Coupling Injection Molding Simulation to FE-Analysis

M. Soltani, R. Kulkarni ,T. Groezinger, A. Zimmermann

International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and the International Thermal Expansion Symposium (ITES), 16.06.2019 - 20.06.2019, Wilmington, USA


Zuverlässigkeitsuntersuchungen und Lebensdauermodelle von LEDs auf räumlichen Schaltungsträgern

M. Soltani

Workshop Visions to Products MID and Beyond, 15.10.2019, Stuttgart, Deutschland


Void formation in solder joints under power cycling conditions and its effect on reliability

J. Mei, R. Haug, S. Hinderberger, T. Grözinger, A. Zimmermann

Microelectronics Reliability, Volumes 100–101: 113350

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When electronic assemblies are experiencing high current loading conditions, thermo-mechanical mismatch induced from the local Joule heating of the component and electromigration (EM)-induced void formation can lead to the failure of the solder interconnect. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) are adopted to investigate the microstructural evolution of solder joints of shunt components subjected to current stressing. Voids and micro-cracks initiate at the corner of solder meniscus, where the maximal divergence of material flux density is located on the basis of finite element method (FEM) simulation. The EM-induced voids introduce higher accumulated plastic strain in the solder joints, which will result in reduction in the lifetime of the electronic assemblies.

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An UHF Software Defined Reflectometer using Under-Sampling Down-Conversion in the ADC

V. Kible, R. Nunes de Lima, K. Brito de Brito, A. Bülau, A. Zimmermann

European Microwave Week 2019 (EUMW/EUMC), 29.09.2019 – 04.10.2019, präsentiert 2.10.2019, Paris, Frankreich
Gefördert von brasilianischen Institutionen: CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) und FAPESB (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia).

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Radio frequency reflectometry is widely used in non-destructive characterization of various materials and can also be applied to automatic impedance matching systems in telecommunication devices. Here, a novel, low cost, software defined approach for measuring the reflection coefficient without using mixers or power detectors is proposed, enabled by using under-sampling down-conversion with an analog-digital-converter. Minimizing the analog part of the system removes possible error sources and a modular design allows application in different fields as well as an implementation as an integrated circuit. Computer simulations as well as measurement results on a printed circuit board setup for a system frequency of 400 MHz are presented, permitting extrapolation to other ultra-high frequencies.

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Field scale variability of plant-available nitrogen and its detectability by different soil sensing systems/ AgraSens

E. Wallor, M. Bourouah, K.C. Kersebaum, R. Gebbers

12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, 08. - 11.07.2019, Montpellier, Frankreich
DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-888-9_71

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Agriculture contributes the strongest to the nitrogen (N) enrichment of ecosystems. It is therefore important to know the spatial distribution of factors influencing N losses or to know the distribution of soil nitrate itself. One resource-extensive method to capture nitrate variability is the use of sensors. The present study examines the within-field variability of soil mineral N resulting from three sampling strategies and compares outputs of an ion-selective electrode (ISE) and a colorimeter to the results of the Nmin-method. With regard to sampling, the differences in the measured soil states are more pronounced when grouped by soil texture classes. The sensory measured nitrate concentration normally exceeds that of the Nmin-method. Furthermore, type and quality of the relation between sensory and conventional nitrate results depend on the preparation of soil samples and their organic carbon content.

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Self-Tunable Vibration Energy Harvester (Projekt AMELI 4.0: Schall- und MEMS-basiertes Elektroniksystem für Industrie 4.0)

J. Esch, D. Hoffmann, D. Stojakov and Y. Manoli

microTEC Südwest Clusterkonferenz 2019, 20.-21.03.2019, Freiburg / Deutschland


Lokale Energieversorgung auf rotierenden Wellen am Beispiel eines Condition Monitoring Systems für Schiffsgetriebe (Projekt CoMoGear: Condition Monitoring of Marine Gearboxes based on Wireless, Energy-Autonomous Sensor Nodes)

J. Esch, D. Stojakov, D. Schillinger, D. Hoffmann und Y. Manoli

VDC MeetUp – Vernetzte intelligente Sensorsysteme, 23.05.2019, St. Georgen / Deutschland


Simulationsgestützte Zuverlässigkeitsuntersuchungen

T. Grözinger

2017 „MULTIFUNKTIONALER KUNSTSTOFF - 3D-TECHNOLOGIEN“, Virtual Dimension Center TZ St. Georgen, 23.05.17

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Die Absicherung der Zuverlässigkeit von Produkten beginnt bereits in der frühen Entwurfs- und Entwicklungsphase. Lernen Sie wesentliche Werkzeuge wie Simulation und Zuverlässigkeitsanalysen kennen.


Experimental Characterization and Finite Element Analysis of Thermo-Mechanical Stress in Flip-Chip- and Wirebond-Assemblies on Flexible and Injection Molded Thermoplastic Substrates

M. Schober, H. Kück, C. Goth, A. Reinhardt, J. Franke, S. Majcherek, A. Brose, B. Schmidt,

2012 Proceedings der 4. ESTC-Konferenz (Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference), Amsterdam, 17.-20.09.2012