Volume determination in the nano and microliter range

We are specialized in the smallest liquid droplets and jets

Are you looking for a service for the volumetric characterization of your dosing systems? Then you've come to the right place. From the rheological characterization of liquids to the measurement of the dosed volume and small liquid flows, we offer you a wide range of measurements. Put your trust in our expertise!

Precise dosing is crucial in areas such as drug development, assay development or molecular diagnostics. Through precise dosing, we can ensure that the results are reliable and that there are no undesirable consequences.

To determine the dosed volume of your dosing system, we use various measurement techniques/principles such as

  •     optical methods,
  •     gravimetric measuring methods or
  •     commercialized, traceable multi-channel volume verification system (MVS) from Artel.

Our expertise lies in the microliter to nanoliter range: We have developed a multi-principle volume measurement system that combines the various methods in one system. With the help of our specially developed software and the combination of different measuring techniques, we offer you a suitable tool for the fully automated verification of liquid handling devices, dispensers and dosing systems of all kinds.

Characterization of fluids

In dosing processes, it is essential to know the exact properties of the fluids used. That is why our fluid measurement service goes even further:
We determine the properties of your fluids. Our services range from rheological characterization to the measurement of other relevant parameters for the dosing process, such as surface tension or contact angle.

Participation in standards committees

Through our involvement in the “Volumetric devices” standards committee of DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. and as a nominated expert for the ISO/TC 48/WG 5 Liquid Handling Devices- Automatic working group, we also use our expertise in the field of volumetric measurement specifically in the development of new standards (ISO 23783-2:2022 Automated liquid handling systems Part 2: Measurement procedures for the determination of volumetric performance). We use this standard as the basis for our measurement service.

Quality assurance for fluid intake

Nowadays, quality assurance is more important than ever. If you also want to make sure that your dispensers or liquid handling systems work precisely, then contact us!

Through our involvement in the “Volume Measuring Devices” standards committee of DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. and as a standardized expert for the ISO/TC 48/WG 5 Liquid Handling Devices- Automatic working group, we can also use our expertise in the field of volume measurement in the development of new standards. This is because deviations in the dispensed volume in application areas such as drug development, assay development or molecular diagnostics can lead to serious consequences. The need for quality assurance of liquid intake is therefore more important today than ever before. If you also want to be sure that your dispensers or liquid handling systems are working precisely, then contact us!

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