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Sensor-equipped LED network light for sustainable, efficient lighting (SusLight)

In cooperation with the Fraunhofer IAF, an energy-efficient, sustainable LED light is developed. By using a wireless network and sensor technology, the lighting will respond to human needs, which leads to a further reduction in energy consumption.

In cooperation with the Fraunhofer IAF, an energy-efficient, sustainable LED light is developed. By using a wireless network and sensor technology, the lighting will respond to human needs, which leads to a further reduction in energy consumption.

The ideas of Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things and the Smart Home lead to an increased networking of all devices. The wider range of abilities and a constant readiness for data distribution lead to a search for energy savings.

The transition from light bulbs and fluorescent lights to efficient lighting with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) cannot only save energy but also allows the integration of additional functionality. The SusLight project evaluates a system that mimics the daytime ambient light through networking and sensor technology and provides the desired light output requirements. Thus, the circadian rhythm of the users can be influenced to increase their well-being. Other possible usage scenarios of the lamp are as attentional control (hazard alarm, support hearing-impaired persons), as an influence on concentration (cold or warm light) or in automation (motion detection, sound measurement). The lighting system is controllable via an Android app and can be used both in the field of smart home and in a smart factory.

Funding Number
24.03.2015 to 28.02.2018
Maturity Level
Functional model



Thorsten Hehn

+49 761 887865-722 Contact


  • Electronic system design
  • Smart sensor
  • Deformation measurement
  • Telemetry
  • Power management