Latest news related to the cluster nanodiag BW

Go for the pipettes! (2024-02-29)

nanodiag BW inspires at the Regionalwettbewerb „Jugend Forscht“

<link to full length article>

<link to YouTube Video (25")>

New Cluster Manager for nanodiag BW (2024-02-08)

Biochemist Dr. Hanna Hasselblatt joins the management team

<Link to the press release>

<Link to a more detailed portrait on the Hahn-Schickard website>

nanodiag BW inspires the STEM next generation (2024-02-01)

Insight into our day-to-day work for pupils.

<link to full-length article>

Important Study with close Relation to nanodiag BW (2024-01-09)

Research group at the University of Freiburg publishes important study on post-translational modification in prostate cancer.

<Link to the press release of nanodiag BW>

<Link to the press release of the University (available in German only)>

<Link to the Original Paper>

Black Forest Nanopore Meeting (BFNM 2023)

November, 6th - 9th, 2023, FREIBURG (Germany)

<review of the event>

New strategy for clinically relevant protein sequencing (2023-05-10)

The project "Nanopore-based electrical-optical protein diagnostics" (nEOdiag) investigates the simultaneous measurement of electrical signals and fluorescence using nanoporetechnologies. The Carl Zeiss Foundation is providing five million euros in funding.

<Link to the press release of the University>

<Link to the Carl Zeiss Foundation>

Nanopore in thin membrane

Next steps for nanopore technology (2023-04-04)

The cluster nanodiag BW starts its first implementation phase with four funded projects.

<Link to the press article>

Visit of policy makers (2023-01-31)

Chantal Kopf, MdB (BÜNDNIS90/Die GRÜNEN) visited us in Freiburg to get a better understandig of how research on nanopore technology can help to make medical approaches more personalised.

<link to the press article - available in German only>

Nanopore tablet

nanodiag BW network successful (2022-07-20)

New technology to analyze molecules could enable better diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer.

<Link to the full article on the website of the University of Freiburg >

Nanopore in thin membrane

45 Mio. Euro funding for nanodiag BW (2022-07-19)

The cluster nanodiag BW is one of seven nationwide winners of the Clusters4Future initiative, the excellence competition for applied research in Germany.

<Link to the full article on the Hahn-Schickard Homepage>

Detect diseases by use of nanopores (2021-05-11)

The cluster nanodiag BW uses nanopores to detect epigenetic factors influencing diseases.

<Link to the full article on the Hahn-Schickard Homepage>

Kick-Off Event (2023-07-25)

Kick-Off Event, July 19/20, 2023

<Link to the review article>